Welcome to the BGPG 2012 Class Blog! Dr. Herzfeld and Dr. Judkins are co-teaching this course where 12 students will be learning about biology, biodiversity, chemistry, and geology of the Panama Gap region.
This course links biodiversity with geochemical cycling events in the tropical settings of Costa Rica and Panama.
Dr. Herzfeld completed his PhD in 2011 at the University of Hawaii where his focus was quantifying the delivery and transformations of essential nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon) across natural boundaries (air-sea, land-sea, land-air), and how they affect the production/release of organic matter within distinct coral ecosystems.
Dr. Judkins graduated from the University of Rhode Island and moved to Florida in 1994. She completed her doctorate in Marine Science in 2009 through the University of South Florida studying cephalopod distribution, abundance, and diversity. She is currently an assistant professor at USFSP in the Department of Biological Sciences. | |
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