Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hello from La Selva,
We have received a few more questions from people and we are going to answer some of these questions this morning.

Iuri’s daughter asked what do “bullet ants “eat?

Bullet ants are active all over the tropical rain forest and are mostly found around tree trunks. They are mostly predator- scavenger ants, fruit nectar and water is carried back to the colony to feed the nest ants and to feed the larvae. They are strongly attracted to termites but will eat other insects and invertebrates as well.
I hope this is helpful.

Norine Noonan wanted to know if the students have seen any signs of climate change?

Honestly, we have no frame of reference in regard to climate change in this area do to the fact that we are only in La Selva for a few days. Since the trip began we have been at three different locations, all at different elevations which had their own unique climates.

 If anyone has a question they would like answered, you can email and Dr. J can pass along the questions for us to answer.  Hope to hear from you soon!

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