Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rachael Moran--Final Post


I learned so much on this trip. The science was important but the lessons that will linger on in my mind till I'm old and grey were ones about discovering new cultures, new perspectives, and new people. I enjoyed every experience while abroad, even the difficult moments (like thinking my heart was going to explode while hiking up a volcano), because without struggle no one would ever appreciate the finer moments. I learned that life will find a way despite volcanic eruptions and other geological events of a magnitude beyond imagination. I learned that after 5 years of French in school, if someone asks me a question in Spanish, I will still answer them in French. I learned that salsa dancing is every bit as difficult as it looks. I'll never forget all the beautiful people and places I was fortunate enough to discover. I can't wait to share some of my experience with everyone at the symposium on the last day of class.

Special thanks to Dr. J and Dr. H, and my family and friends for their support and guidance.

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