Thursday, May 31, 2012

Answering some questions....

Good morning from La Selva!

We have been receiving emails from people and we are going to take a moment to answer a couple here.  Brent Nolan asked "how many plant species are in the rainforest?" and "How many animal species are in the rainforest?"

Answer:  More than 50% of the world's plant and animals live in the rainforests around the world and the rainforests only cover 7% of the world.  Here at La Selva, there are 124 mammal species and 72 of them are bats!  We found that there are approximately 1500 flowering plant species and 730 species of trees that can be found in rainforests.  But by far, the most numerous animals in the rainforests are the insects!  Every time we go outside, we see a new beetle we haven't seen before or a bright red dragonfly like we saw yesterday on the hike.  One thing to remember is that there are new species being found and added to these records so the numbers may vary in the information you read about rainforests.

Hope this helped, Brent!

If anyone has a question they would like answered, you can email and Dr. J can pass along the questions for us to answer.  Hope to hear from you!

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